Archive for September, 2018

Alliance Housing’s Local and Statewide Wins

Posted on: September 4th, 2018

In spite of the brutal heat, Alliance Housing has had an incredibly productive summer. We are elated to share the major political gains that Alliance and our fellow housing nonprofits and advocates made this season!

In the past several months, we have become increasingly involved in Make Homes Happen, a coalition of nonprofits, congregations, neighborhood associations, and of course individual housing advocates like you. Make Homes Happen has been pushing Mayor Jacob Frey and City Council to allocate $50 million dollars in an affordable housing trust fund (AHTF) for the next 10 years in order to address the growing housing crisis in Minneapolis. While our goals were not met in full, Mayor Frey has chosen to invest nearly $40 million dollars into affordable housing for 2019, with state and federal funds bringing the total to $50 million. While our target of $50 million was met, Frey has described this funding as a “one-time infusion” rather than a dedicated stream for 10 years. That said, Make Homes Happen is dedicated will remain steady in our demands until they are met. We are ecstatic to have a mayor that is receptive to our cause and Alliance is looking forward to moving Minneapolis forward in partnership with Make Homes Happen!

The victories for Alliance and the Twin Cities’ many housing advocates have, however, extended well beyond Minneapolis’ borders. On August 21st, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton released the final report for his housing task force. The report included 30 recommendations, including calling for stricter protections for tenants facing eviction and loosening screening requirements that unfairly discriminate against people of color, both of which echo Alliance’s mission of providing flexible, relational, and just housing. Section 5 of the report also highlights the increasing need to “build stronger links between where we live and the services we need to live stable lives” and emphasizes that people living with disabilities, particularly those experiencing homelessness, must live in an integrated setting and have a person-centered plan for overall wellness. The same philosophy underpins Alliance’s partnership with Touchstone Mental Health for Minnehaha Commons: with the proportion of homeless seniors growing, we must allow these people to age in place by consolidating medical services and housing at an integrated yet quiet location in close proximity to a high-frequency bus route as well as the Blue Line.

Overall, the final report reflects a deep understanding of the meaning of housing, citing a secure housing situation as the cornerstone for increased wages, higher academic achievements, and improved health. However, we cannot be complacent with the progress we have made. A Dayton’s term comes to an end, we need to ensure that our next governor will continue to make strides towards housing justice. We urge our supporters to stay informed on housing issues, particularly as they relate to the upcoming gubernatorial election. Homes for All MN will hold a Gubernatorial Forum in Duluth on September 12th at which Jeff Johnson and Tim Walz will discuss their vision for affordable housing in the state of Minnesota. If you are unable to attend, there will be significant media coverage on the event as well as a Homes For All MN Tweetchat on 9/5 from 11AM to 12PM to engage with the candidates and build visibility for our cause.

Thank you for your continuing support for Alliance Housing as we continue to fight for affordable housing!

Ryan Cirillo, Management Intern