About Us


Alliance’s work makes it possible for individuals and families to create homes for themselves, regardless of income and background by developing and managing housing that is:

• inclusive,
• affordable,
• relational, and
• flexible.

In addition, Alliance Housing challenges the environment that limits our residents’ opportunities.


Alliance Housing was born out of the vision of St. Stephens’ emergency shelter staff and residents who wanted to create tangible, long term housing solutions for homeless families and individuals. The organization was incorporated in 1991 and took advantage of vacant and available properties at low cost in South Minneapolis. Alliance continues to honor its history by developing housing solutions for homeless, low income, and other individuals left out of market opportunities.


Statement of Activities & Changes in Net Assets

For the 12 months ending June 30, 2023

Support and revenue:

Rental revenue $2,553,811
Government Grants $1,084,454
Contributions $778,850
In-kind $266,732
Miscellaneous income $34,421
Partnership Management Fees $25,088
Total $4,743,356

Operating expenses:

Housing management $5,870,963
Administrative & management $101,857
Fundraising $71,819
Total $6,044,639
Government grants for predevelopment & other changes in net assets $40,000

Statement of Financial Position

As of June 30, 2023


Cash – Operations $1,104,633
Cash – Restricted $2,031,521
Other Receivables $153,079
Prepaid Expenses $172,886
Rental Properties, Net $42,104,405
Other Assets, Net $148,749
Total $45,715,273


Accounts Payable $307,829
Accrued Payroll & Related $20,847
Accrued Real Estate Taxes $189,531
Security Deposits $208,042
Debt $19,854,586
Deferred Notes Payable $3,813,700
Accrued Interest – Short & Long Term $1,192,442
Lease Liability $64,270
Construction payables $1,178,225
Total $28,272,891

Net Assets:

Unrestricted $17,672,105
Temporarily Restricted $1,213,696
Total $18,885,801
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $45,715,273


View the 2023 Annual Report!



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Jessie Hendel
Executive Director
(612) 879-7633
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Mike Schmid
Senior Property Manager
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James Portman
Maintenance Supervisor
(612) 512-1402
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Calvin Shoemaker
Maintenance Technician
(612) 512-1405
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Eva Schmidt
Fundraising and Communications Coordinator
(612) 870-2261
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April Stark
Office Administrator


Amy Schmid

Board Treasurer
Schmid Consulting

Ben Olk, III

Board President Emeritus
President of National Checking Company

Casie Moen

Board President
Project Manager– Affordable Housing
US Bank

Chris Wilson

Retired Director of Real Estate Development

Dean LeDoux

Board Secretary
Lathrop GPM

Emily Goldberg

Health care management

Jarett Lettner

Senior Vice President
Wells Fargo Bank NA

Mangala Sharma

Advantage Service Coordinator
Commonbond Communities

Marilyn Nelson

Senior Advisor

Miranda Walker

Impact Capital Manager
Affordable Housing, US Bank

Rashida Jackson

Vice President of Housing Operations
Project for Pride in Living

Scott Redd

Sabathani Community Center

Tica Hanson

UM Nurse Dept. of Corrections, Retired